Having played an integral role at Cosight since 2009, Karsten van der Donk (1970) becomes fulltime partner. Founder Christine de Panafieu: “I am happy that we can proceed this succesful and complementary collaboration on a next level and incorporating the leadership knowledge into the product offer for our clients”.
Karsten´s background as an Art Historian, his thorough knowledge on group dynamics and his experience in various start-ups are a perfect fit for Cosight’s portfolio. Additionally, he speaks fluently English, German and of course Dutch.
A Semiotic Flash Analysis of a Australian Premium Private Retailer’s Label
For an Australian Retailer Cosight performed a short semiotic analysis. We focused on their premium private label. We assessed the retailers premium-label-expressions and competition and handed some pointers to ensure the premium label can stay future fit, because premium and luxury codes are shifting and new forms are emerging. The client now has a clear […]