For a European personal care brand we developed a 5-step holistic and collaborative proces. We started with a co-creational kick-off meeting with the client and proceeded with consumer interviews to identify the levers and hurdles to identify the key mechanisms to regain leadership. We co-created a semio-sociological workshop with the brand team to synthesize most of the available brand knowledge of the client. This was followed by semio-socio cultural consumer groups in three countries. The whole process resulted in an understanding of the content, role and position of the future Brand-platform in line with socio-cultural change. A future-fit brand with respect for it’s long heritage, A translation of a strong and heritage brand into a modern and distinctive brand.
A Semiotic Flash Analysis of a Australian Premium Private Retailer’s Label
For an Australian Retailer Cosight performed a short semiotic analysis. We focused on their premium private label. We assessed the retailers premium-label-expressions and competition and handed some pointers to ensure the premium label can stay future fit, because premium and luxury codes are shifting and new forms are emerging. The client now has a clear […]